#Extension for Experts

#Programmatic configuration

All versions of the NopeCHA browser extension support programmatic configuration or pre-configuration of the settings. This allows you to avoid having to change settings in the popup menu manually. If you are programming a bot, this is the recommended way to configure the extension.

To programmatically configure the official release of the extension from the web store, see Graphical build.

To pre-configure the automation build of the extension, see Automation build.

#Nightly NopeCHA browser extensions

In addition to the official NopeCHA browser extensions found on the Chrome Web Store and Firefox Add-ons, we also publish nightly builds of the extension.

You can find the latest nightly builds of the NopeCHA browser extensions here:

GitHub Release

We publish the latest builds on GitHub before they are submitted to the Chrome Web Store and Firefox Add-ons. As such, they may contain bugs and we recommend that you keep a close eye on the GitHub Release page for updates.

#Graphical vs Automation builds

Starting in v0.4, we ship an additional build of the extension called the automation build. This build is identical to the graphical build except that it does not include the popup menu and instead uses the settings read from a file. In this way, automation build can be pre-configured by editing the settings file. The graphical build, on the other hand, supports programmatic configuration.

Configuring the graphical build

Configuring the automation build

If you want to configure the extension manually via the popup menu or programmatically via a URL, we recommend that you use the official NopeCHA browser extensions found on the Chrome Web Store and Firefox Add-ons. The official releases are idential to the graphical builds from the GitHub Release page, except that they receive automatic updates.

Graphical version (Web Store Release)Automation version (GitHub Release)

The graphical builds are available on the Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-ons and GitHub Release page.

  • For Chrome, download the chromium.zip file.
  • For Firefox, download the firefox.zip file.

The automation builds are available on the GitHub Release page.

  • For Chrome, download the chromium_automation.zip file.
  • For Firefox, download the firefox_automation.zip file.

#Loading the nightly extensions

If you are unfamiliar with how to load an externally downloaded extension, follow these steps (this guide is for Chrome):

  1. Download the extension from the GitHub Release page. Since we are using Chrome in this guide, download the chromium.zip or chromium_automation.zip file, depending on if you want a graphical or automation build.

  2. Extract the ZIP file to a directory of your choice.

  3. Go to the chrome://extensions URL in your browser.

Load the extension (Chrome)
Load the extension (Chrome)

  1. Enable the Developer mode toggle in the top right corner (highlighted in red in the above screenshot).

  2. Click the Load unpacked button in the top left corner (highlighted in blue in the above screenshot).

  3. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the ZIP file and select it. The directory should contain a manifest.json file.

#Graphical build

#Configuring extension settings

You can import settings into the extension using a "Magic URL" that the extension recognizes.

With the NopeCHA extension installed, when you open a Magic URL, the extension will automatically import the settings encoded in the URL.

To generate a Magic URL, open the extension popup and go to Settings (button in top left of the popup) and then Export Settings.

Export Settings in Extension Popup
Export Settings in Extension Popup

You can then open the Magic URL from any machine with NopeCHA extension installed to import your settings.

#Automation build

#Configuring extension settings

  1. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the ZIP file.

Navigate to the extension directory
Navigate to the extension directory

  1. Open the manifest.json file. You should see a nopecha section at the bottom.

Edit manifest.json
Edit manifest.json

  1. Replace YOUR KEY HERE with your NopeCHA key. You can set all extension settings here.

Reload the extension (Chrome)
Reload the extension (Chrome)

  1. Reload the extension after you make changes to the manifest.json file. To do so, go to the chrome://extensions URL, find the NopeCHA extension and click the reload icon (highlighted in red in the above screenshot).

  2. You can now use the extension with your custom settings. When you want to change the settings, repeat the steps above.